Author's Note

I just recently changed my URL to my blog from to   My apologies for not giving notice before this change, I should have done a post before the switch.  If you are a previous visitor of the site, congratulations for finding the site.  To honor your courageous victory, please tell everyone about  your odyssey and show them the great reward of visiting Indie Antechamber.  I hear it is quite pleasing to the ladies.

Due to the amount of outside media being embedded in every post, loading the blog is sometimes sluggish.  I will try to improve that by cleaning and simplifying the pages to try to alleviate the slowness. 

The site is currently going through some tweaks so the layout may change completely within the next few months.  I have been trying to get things more organized so posts can be easier to access.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.

-Joe W
Updated 7/28/2011