Sunday, July 11, 2010

Soundtrack of My Life: pt 1

Welcome to a new segment of my music goodies miniseries, Soundtrack of My Life, where I find cool ass tunes that I would put in my movies/youtube clips if I had anything interesting to make a video about a video recorder. Anyways this group of tunes each had great sections that would be great to hear during the beginning or [preferably] the end. Hell, maybe I'll write justifications for each song, or maybe I will disappoint you once more with my newly acquired third-grade writing skills.

<a href="">Hollywood by Dog &amp; Panther</a>

Hollywood- Dog & Panther
Alright so yes I have been boasting a lot about this group lately, yes I already have the entire album available to listen in my previous post, and yes I would use every song to soundtrack my videos to death like everyone does with coldplay's parachutes. Oh and yes Dog & Panther is awesome. Q.E.D.

Oh Little Brain
Oh Little Brain- STS9
Another band where literally many of their songs could have been chosen for this soundtrack category.

Vio spilum endalaust- Sigur Ros
A very lovely song. Sigur Ros is a must have in everyone's music library.

Cascade- Hyper
If there is anyone out there that has a video recorder and who free runs, this is definitely my soundtrack for my first parkour vid (or maybe the end credits theme?). Also if there is anyone reading my blog...anyone...please do let me know.

Take It In- Hot Chip
You know what? Just go back to the Hot Chip post from June and listen to it there, okay? Can't I be lazy for once?

Bad Light
Bad Light- Built to Spill
Another must-have song, from a must-have album, from a must-have band.

The Rolling People- The Verve
It really grinds my gears that everyone has and knows "bittersweet symphony" yet no one had the decency to listen to the rest of the album by the verve. Oasis feels that pain as well.

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