Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yellow Ostrich

Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've posted, so consider those 10 days my vacation. And also I finally have my first follower! Woo!
Now I know there are more people that do follow, but may not have a Google account (which they should because Google rocks) so I will show you how to make an RSS feed for my blog. On Firefox, go to bookmarks, subscribe to this page, and then choose RSS. Then once you are at the window asking to subscribe using live bookmarks click "subscribe now." And then choose "bookmarks toolbar".
If you have a browser different than Firefox and you can't figure out how to subscribe, then go get a Google account and follow!!!

Now back to music. I found this band out today called Yellow Ostrich. They have three EPs out, The Serious Kids, The Morgan Freeman, and Fade Cave, for FREE! After listening to the first EP, I think its safe to say that all three EP should be awesome. Then again, why would that matter when its FREE music? I hope you agree with that statement and take a listen.

[UPDATE] All three EPs are incredible! Who knew an EP of everything Morgan Freeman would be this awesome? All it needs is his buttery voice and it will be an epic.
<a href="">He-Horses And She-Horses by Yellow Ostrich</a>

<a href="">Morgan Freeman's Early Life by Yellow Ostrich</a>

<a href="">Bread by Yellow Ostrich</a>

You can check out Yellow Ostrich's Bandcamp site here.

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